I'll post my tip and tricks on how to manage your smelly feet.

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My Smelly Feet Experience

by Baloydi Lloydi , at 8:17 AM , has 0 comments

I came up with this blog to represent all the people out there who are suffering from having smelly feet. I recall, when I was in my early childhood years I thought that this is just a normal thing where ever body experience this, which is partly true. But in my teenage years, I realized that I am different from other teens. I struggled keeping my secret from my friends, during special gatherings wherein I am required to remove my shoes and join the crowd, I am very hesitant to participate and rather choose to stay in one place and make sure that my feet does not release odor. I am afraid to be judged by others, and conclude that I don’t have proper hygiene especially on my feet. I am afraid to hear feedbacks like, I don’t clean my shoes, and keeps using the same socks every day or I don’t wash my feet before sleep and others things that you can think of. After college, my greatest fear has come, which is working in a closed environment where people are very particular with odors and some are very sensitive with their noses.

In our office, we are only allowed to wear socks and slippers. Now there is this one time, when I forgot to apply anti-perspiration products, the few hours are okay-no bad odors but during the middle of the day my sweat made my socks very wet, and then the feared odor starts to spread around in our air-conditioned office. People start to complain after a few minutes, and described that they can smell dead rats, and some say that they could smell burned rubber or some people in the office always sneeze. Then they started to ask where that odor is coming from. They started to smell each other’s feet. I couldn’t do anything, and just pretend that I didn’t know about it. Imagine in a cold room, I started to have a cold sweat and couldn’t speak a word, pretending again that I’m really busy working. Then I started to freak out after that and seek cure and natural remedies to remove or control sweaty feet that eventually leads to smelly feet.

I know how your social life is being affected by having this kind of condition. Eventually affects your emotional side that may hinder you to perform better in whatever you need to do. In this blog, I’ll try to discuss my failed and proven techniques in handling sweaty or smelly feet.

Baloydi Lloydi
My Smelly Feet Experience - written by Baloydi Lloydi , published at 8:17 AM, categorized as smelly feet . And has 0 comments
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